Using AJAX within Oracle Application Express (part 2)

Most of the AJAX calls will require some parameters. Instead of using an application item for every parameter, I wrote some javascript and PL/SQL functions that will store all AJAX parameters as XML in 1 application item!

The same javascript as in my first blog, but some extra parameters and functions are added.

This javascript function allows you to add an extra parameter to the AJAX call

This PL/SQL function allows you to read out the same parameter in the AJAX call’s PL/SQL code

We can simply add some parameters to our AJAX call. The first parameter of the AddParam function, is the name of the parameter (you must use the same name in your AJAX call’s PL/SQL code to read the parameter’s value), the second parameter is the parameter’s value.

In the PL/SQL code of the AJAX call, you can use the GetParameter function to read out these parameters

The result would be…

2 thoughts on “Using AJAX within Oracle Application Express (part 2)

  1. Hello,Very Nice!In 3.1 you won’t have to use Application Items passing transitory values anymore but this is very nice , and can be used in a lot of places.Take a look at the object $xml_Control(pThis)in the htmldb_get.js file it does some client side XML/XSL stuff that might fit in nicely with your solutions.Carl

  2. Hello,Very Nice!In 3.1 you won’t have to use Application Items passing transitory values anymore but this is very nice , and can be used in a lot of places.Take a look at the object $xml_Control(pThis)in the htmldb_get.js file it does some client side XML/XSL stuff that might fit in nicely with your solutions.Carl

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