BI Publisher caching results problem

If you are experiencing behavior that indicates that your report is being cached and you can’t refresh it then it could be that a reporting setting is indicating that it can cache your result set.

To check this setting go to “Edit Report” and look at the bottom in the list of options. You will find a check-box with the label “Enable document cache”. Unchecking this check-box will probably solve your problem.

By default, all Oracle Enterprise Repository reports uses Document Caching to reduce database roundtrips on the generation of report data. While the data is cached, the rendered report may not always show the most recent activities in Oracle Enterprise Repository. Setting the cache expiration changes depending on how frequently BI Publisher needs to refresh the data for the second and subsequent rendering of a report.

It is possible to change the default cache expiration (30 minutes) under Admin -> Server configuration -> Cache Section.

More information can be found in the BI Publisher.

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About Olivier Dupont